
Friday, August 10, 2012

A Married Woman!

You guessed it! June 15th 2012 was the day I married my best friend Mike!

Mike and I got married on a beautiful Friday morning in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Just thinking about the day just makes me smile from ear to ear. The day was wonderful and so perfect!

My brother Blaine and his wife Carrie came all they way from Virginia to be present for my big day!

We had so much support and many people, family and friends, showed up to the temple to help us celebrate.

Once outside the temple Mike's mom and I had a little bit of a tug-of-war over who got to keep Mike. :)

My mom was wonderful for putting up for me during the last few months and basically putting my wedding day together.

 My daddy makes me so happy! He has always been able to make me feel good when I am down or help me to let go of a little bit of my stubbornness. He is my big teddy bear.

 My siblings are wonderful and have always been there for me to make me laugh and they continued to make sure I had a smile on my face during all the pictures that wonderful day!

My brothers really do lift me up when I'm down. It may not be graceful, but they get the job done. 

 I really can't forget my sister. She has always been an example to me and I love her so much. She did my hair for each photo shoot and got up extra early the day of the wedding to get herself ready so she could help me. So wonderful!

I am so excited to be a part of my new family! I love being with them and being able to joke around with them. 

I am so lucky to have two wonderful sets of parents and that Don was able to make it to the reception. 

Oh and did I tell you? I have the cutest nieces and nephews ever! poor little man had had a long day. Usually he thinks of me as his girlfriend!

Mike and I have fantastic friends and the best groomsmen and bridesmaids. Don't they look awesome?

Yeah, they did try and tear us apart, but our love was just too strong... ;) haha. 

Oh and our awkward moment... (It was Matt's fault.)

Mike and I were so excited we were jumping for joy! 

haha. Love it!

We had a wonderful day! I love my husband so very, very much! He is my everything! I have never laughed as much in my life as I have since I met my man. I have been blessed to have him in my life! I can't imagine my life without him in it. He fits me perfectly. :)

...and they lived happily ever after! 
Oh happy day!