
Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Beginning

First posting. Lets see if I can do this...

It's funny for me to think, two and a half weeks ago was my nineteenth birthday. That seems like it was a life time ago. It feel like my life, or at least my outlook on it, has changed dramatically!
So many little things have shifted in my life.
Thinking back, I remember when I left to go to school at BYU-Idaho January 2011 I had the hardest time, I thought that maybe I had made the wrong choice by choosing there to go to school. Within weeks I had forgotten all about that and realized that a change, or new start, was what I wanted, and needed. I fell in love with BYU-Idaho as a campus, as a school and all the people that came into my life. I faced so many heartbreaks, hardships and trials in the first semester at school, but the strength that I gained through those things helped me see those things that I really wanted for my life.
Second semester brought on a whole new set of challenges and blessings. My calling in the Relief Society presidency was so overwhelming at first, but I learned to love and meet so many people that have forever changed my life! I love Rexburg and everything there! The day I left was one of the hardest days of my life, and yet one of the easiest. Knowing that I would be coming back in only a matter of months and I got the chance to take all those things that I learned and put them into my life back at home.

So back to my nineteenth birthday...
It was a good day. I spent the day with one of my good friends, two of my brothers, my parents and my wonderful grandma! I was surrounded by people that I loved and I knew that life was good. However I was slipping into that, not-where-I-want-to-be-so-I-wont-try mood. I was trying to be positive! But I was struggling.
One of my strengths was named Nathan. An amazing young man who I had met through a blood drive at school back in February. We had become great friends and I knew I could turn to him when I needed a friend.
On Wednesday, September 7th, one of my good friends from home left to go to school. That was hard to see him leave and I wasn't able to go back to my home yet. But it was harder for me to say good-bye to Nathan the day before. Nathan entered the MTC on the 7th. How excited and happy I am for him!!! He is going to be an amazing missionary! but I felt like I had lost two friends in one day.
Later that day I talked to two great friends from school who made me realize how loved and not alone I am. I also received a letter from Nathan a week later. So many tender mercies from the Lord blessed me that week.
My eyes have been re-opened and my life is filled with love and happiness! I feel my Saviors love surround me daily, lifting me up and guiding me forward. This life is not easy and at times I slip and fall, but the Lord always catches me to help me continue on. I feel like the month of September hasn't just brought the Autumn weather and the return to work but also its the new beginning for me. I can prove myself and lift others just as the Lord has done for me.

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