
Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's a Journey.

What is it that makes you feel free? Feel like all your cares are taken away for just a small moment? What is it that gives you that small break and for a minute everything is right in the world?
I guess you could say that I have a few of those things. A few are; running, driving with the windows down, riding a horse and my most recent one, parasailing!
At first I was terrified! I wanted to do this, had been looking forward to it actually. But I was so nervous about actually doing it. I put on a brave face because well this was very exciting!  My mom and I decided to go together and I am so grateful for that! We were able to support each other.
The beginning began with us being strapped in to our harnesses. Just to make sure that we were safe during our time in the air. Then we sat waiting; it feel like we waited for a really long time. We were anxious to get going and the time before we were able to go was a time to try and mentally prepare.
When the safety harnesses, parachute and boat were all ready we were asked if we were ready. We were ready to get going but at the same time we felt like we weren't prepared. My mom and I had both been told what to do and how to handle an emergency, but because we didn't have any experience in doing any of this we felt unprepared. Then the call came. "Take 'em up" one second were on the ground, the next we were in the air!
Shortly after becoming air born my mom and I looked at each other. This wasn't as bad as we thought. It was fun! The view was amazing, the water a clear blue, and the air had a warm breeze.
Sooner than I realized we were pretty far away from the boat, only held on by a thick rope. It was an amazing feeling; flying. At times we would hit an air pocket and we would dip unexpectedly. It scared me every time and I thought we would go down, but I knew if there was trouble I would make the sign and we would be pulled back down to safety. Even though at those times i was scared I knew it was only a short moment and that if we would continue on we would have a wonderful experience.
All too soon our ride in the air came to an end and we were slowly brought back to the boat to land safely on board. I was kinda' sad to see the ride end, but I knew I had conquered something new and learned a lesson from it; I can do hard things.
We landed safely! I was so excited that I could not contain my smile. I wanted to do it over and over again!
 As I was writing this I couldn't help but think about life. Each of us chose to come to this earth. I like to think that I was excited to come, maybe also a little nervous because of the uncertainties and hardship that I knew were ahead. But we have a wonderful Father in Heaven who has given us support as well as being a support Himself. He will never leave us without help! There is a harness in place to help us stay air born, it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The rope that connects us to the boat is prayer. We have a way of communicating to our Father in Heaven. 
There are many times when we feel discouraged and want to give up when that wind pocket catches us. But we can call upon our Lord and remember our harness that is in place to help us succeed. If we push through the hard times and look forward with faith and goodness, we may be able to finish our ride with a smile on our  face. 
We each are a son or daughter of a Heavenly Father! He loves us so very much and wants to see us succeed! lean upon others when you need to, but constantly call upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father!

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