
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back in the Burg! Semester 3!

Kayla: "Hey Kylie, Good job pushing the snooze button this morning. You do know that it is only the first day of class right?!"
And that was how I started off my third semester at BYU-Idaho. Now in my defense, I purposely set my alarm clock five minutes before I needed to get up so I could push the snooze button. It definitely helps me to get up on time. Sounds crazy, but it's true. My other defense is that I truly was tired. I had gone to bed early the night before but had spent the last month and a half going to bed no earlier than 2:00 in the morning. Not only that, but I was up the Monday before at 4:30 am and gone to breakfast and then moved all my "Junk", as my dad says, to Rexburg Idaho. Moving is always a little crazy, but it gets crazier when you have six girls all moving in together and trying to find room for all of their "Junk" as well.
I love living with six girls! Some people call me crazy for thinking that way, but heck, I am crazy. :) In all honesty I don't think I like living with only three other girls. It's too quiet and not nearly as fun. I have four other siblings and  it seemed like there was always something going on in our home growing up. So for it to be loud and crazy in my apartment is normal to me. The girls I room with are all super amazing! There is Kayla, who was a roommate of mine back from first semester. We weren't suppose to room together this semester, but I feel like it was a tender mercy or blessing in disguise that we got put together! I love her! Then there is Sarah. Sarah makes me feel better, because I'm no longer the tallest in the apartment. She is so sweet and fun to be around. Natalie would be the next girl I met; Sarah and her are really good friends. Natalie is also very sweet, fun and awesome to be around. I helped Drew carry her things in and talked to her for about five minutes before she ran out the door again. That seems to be the norm with her; she is only taking online classes right now, but is always on her way somewhere. I love her too... haha. well that is what I told her. :) Emily is the last one I was able to meet. Its funny the time we met; the bishopric stopped by to meet us and to say hi. Well he shook Emily's hand and asked her name, then did the same to me. It wasn't until after that that I realized I didn't know who was standing next to me. I turned to her and asked her name and talked to her for a minute and then we were friends! I get along with Emily very well, I love sitting and talking to her, I could do it for hours on end. She also loves "Psych" so we have watched all of season 1 and season 4 within the first two days... we need to get the remaining three seasons now.
My classes are wonderful as well. I am taking 14 credits of fun and craziness. World Foundations is really going to test my patience. Photography is going to test my skills and take most of my free time. Natural disasters is going to be interesting and I will love going on a field trip! Family Foundations is going to bring some wonderful spiritual insights as well as laughter brought on by the teacher. Country dancing is already testing my ability to do various steps and styles while trying not to laugh at myself or the guy that just stepped on my foot. :) And English 201 is going to teach me to be a better writer because my teacher is so amazing that I actually want to go to class; that is not something I often feel for english classes. As you see all those things are amazing, but that's not it. I get the opportunity to attend devotional every Tuesday! It is going to be so wonderful to receive spiritual boosts while listening to apostles and other leaders in the church and at this wonderful institution!
Oh have I already forgotten?! I got a job! It is a miracle, or at least a blessing! Jobs are hard to come by in Rexburg, and I hold one of those coveted jobs. What job is it? I am working for the ticket office here on campus. I will be a paid usher at devotionals as well as at other performances and events around campus throughout the semester. Along with that I continue to be a model for the Art departments head drawing and painting classes.
Life is crazy, but I still have time for the most important person in it; Mike! I start each morning thinking of him and end every night snuggling his bear and wishing I was with him! I look forward to ever single text I get from him and read them over and over until I get to hear his voice in the evening. It is even better when we get to Skype! I love him so very much and I can't wait until I can have him in my arms again! I would do and will do anything for him; I care about him so much and will always be by his side supporting him. He knows me so well and cares for me so completely, I can't help but feel like a princess with him. :) It is very hard being away from him at this time in life! But I know that it is going to be a short time until I get to be with him again, that thought is what keeps me going, and his love keeps me strong.
What will this semester bring? I am anxious to find out!

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