
Monday, November 28, 2011

He is a blessing! :)

It's funny how one week can seem like a lifetime. Within one week I feel like I've been with Mike forever. I think about him all the time and can't wait until the next time I get to see him! Silly Michael; he is so crazy and random. maybe a little bit weird... :) but I am also weird so it just fits! :)
He came into my life at the perfect time! Shortly after I had made some major decisions and gone through some rough heartbreak my life started to fall into place. I was happier than I had ever been because of those decisions and I was able to be myself again. Becoming myself again was the best thing. That week I began hanging out with Mike. :) He is so funny and enjoyable to be around. He is such a good person and genuinely cares about others. Every time I was with him my face would start to hurt from smiling so much!
Last Monday everything seemed to grow a little clearer and made more sense. Michael was mine. :) He is mine! Sometimes I just want to shout to the world how much I love this guy! He is amazing!
Like I already said, I feel like I have known him forever; he is my best friend! I feel so blessed!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dear Rexburg, You are my favorite place EVER!

I love Rexburg Idaho!
BYU-Idaho is my home. I have missed it so much; ever since I left in July I have been planning my trip back there. Last weekend I finally filled up the car and headed on my way to Rexburg! Woohoo!
There is a problem with the roads in Idaho; they are long, boring and because the trucks around you are going so slow it makes it look like you are going really fast. So yes, as you have guessed, I got pulled over. First time ever! AHHH! I looked in my rear view mirror and I think I had a heart attack! There was a cop with his lights on about to come down and kill me. Or at least that is how it felt. I pulled over and was kinda' in shock as he proceeded to give me a ticket. I had always looked at the people who got pulled over and thought, "Dang! That really sucks!" and then I would laugh to myself... oh how I am now eating those words.
After the incident with the cop I was much more cautious and it took me just a little longer to get to Rexburg. But when I got off the freeway and saw the temple on the hill that long drive was worth it! I was so excited and happy that I started to do a little dance in my seat! I couldn't contain myself! AHH!!!! I was totally freaking out!
As soon as I dropped of my friend at her apartment I got to see one of my best friends, Jonah Leavitt! I have known him since... I don't know, forever! or so it feels. We were friends from high school, lived only a few blocks away from each other and we were actually in the same first grade class for two weeks. (That is another story) It was so fun getting to spend time with him and meeting his crazy, but fun roommates.
Friday was a fun day! I had lunch with some wonderful friends and got to go to Lexie's wedding!
Lexie Walker Kerby was my first roommate! I loved sharing a room with her my first semester. We got along wonderfully and had a fun time figuring out the different world of college. One night we stayed up until 1:30 or 2:00 in the morning just chilling in our room, singing to Taylor Swift, cracking jokes and just talking. It wasn't something that happened very often because she had early classes. I remember one night when she came home from a date with Garret. (The guy who is now her little hubby! YAY!) I looked out our bedroom door and she came bounding in and jumped into my arms exclaiming "I love life!" It was so funny and yet very cute! I can't say one bad thing about Lex-a-lou. She is an absolute sweetheart.
I was so excited to see her and my other roommates from my first and second semesters. But especially the ones from first semester! Kayla, Jaymie, Sydnee, Breanna, Lexie and I were roommates first semester and bonded instantly. We were best friends from the word go! We all had a hard time first semester and we leaned on each other on a day-to-day basis. We needed each other to get through all the changes, heartbreaks and growing up.
The reception was beautiful and I couldn't help but tear up when I saw Lexie! She was beautiful in her dress and you could see how much they loved each other. And it was wonderful to see those roommates at the reception, but when we gathered together for a picture I could feel that someone was missing. Jaymie wasn't able to get work off and I was so sad because she wasn't there. I miss that beautiful engaged woman! I guess the next time I see her it will be her wedding! That is exciting!
On Saturday Jonah and I went to get a soda. I got a dr pepper. hmmm... maybe that wasn't the best decision because I hadn't had sugar, soda or caffeine in quite a while, and I don't really do well with any amount of caffeine. We ended up back at his apartment to hang out and yes, I was having a hard time sitting still. So, what do his roommates want to do?! Give me more caffeine, just to see what I'm like. let me tell you, I couldn't sit still for more than a minute and I couldn't stop laughing. But no! It really wasn't funny. Okay, only a little bit. I can't handle that much going through my system! So long story short, I got sick from that monster! Super dizzy and nauseous... yeah. I have learned to NEVER drink that stuff again! Thanks to Jonah's roommates for teaching me that valuable lesson!
Well of course something else inconvenient has to happen. My car decided that it didn't want to work right and I ended up staying an extra night in apt 22. I am sure that all the girls living there thought I was a little psycho... poor them, I get to room with them next semester...
I am so grateful that I got to go visit my home and I cannot wait until I get to return.
Until next time my friends...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You're Never alone!

Each day brings about new lessons to be learned. whether we want to learn those lessons or not.
Working two jobs in itself can be challenging; scheduling work hours, getting to the correct job on time, and being enthusiastic about what you are doing. But when it feels like your safety is in jeopardy, it is even more difficult.
Closing is never the thing you look forward to with a job. You are tired, patience may be waning and you just want to go home. I have never liked the darkness, and with the front of the store being all glass it makes closing by yourself a nerve-wracking event. So what was I doing the other night? closing the store after what had been a wonderful day. I was in a good mood and was optimistic about getting out quickly.
Right as I was closing up, a man came in and took his good, sweet time. He asked a lot of questions and I had a bad feeling about him. I didn't want to be alone with him and thankfully I wasn't. There were two girls in the store and two outside the store. When the girls inside the store left I made it very obvious that it was time for him to go as well. So he did.
About a half an hour later one of the ladies that was sitting outside knocked on the door. She let me know that the man had been sticking around but had now left. She asked if I would like her and her friend to sit and make sure I got out alright. I told her no. I felt that now that the man had left I would be alright.
I continued to close up and was at the last step of counting the money when I left the kitchen and walked into the main area of the store. I stopped dead in my tracks. Sitting in one of the chairs outside the store was the same guy. He just sat and watched me. I ignored him and got all my stuff and went to the back office to count the money. To be honest I didn't really think about the guy, I was just concentrated on finishing up and going home. I got my stuff and returned to the back office to finish counting the money. I went to open the safe, and it didn't open. I couldn't get it to open no matter how many times I put in the correct combination. I called my co-worker and she agreed to come in to help. I explained about the guy outside so she would be safe when she arrived.
When she did arrive I quickly came and unlocked the door for her. The man started towards the door of the store. I hurried and locked it again, then went to the office. When my co-worker and I went to open the safe, it worked. Her brother called and came we told him about the guy outside. He came over and stayed with us while I finished closing up. When we left he walked us out to our cars then made sure I got out of the parking lot alright.
I had remained numb during this whole thing. I felt the danger in the back of my mind and I was frightened but I knew that I just needed to get stuff done and get out of there. But once I was in my car driving home I began to shake and become frighted. The man had asked so many questions, had watched every move I made, and said some things that weren't in themselves bad, but kinda frightened me. I thought about all that could've happened and I began to sob. I was scared and it was late.
I wasn't even concentrated on the music coming from my i-pod until the song changed. "Never Alone" by Lady Antebellum and Jim Brickman came on. There was one part that stuck out to me. "Well I have to be honest, as much as I want it, I'm not gonna' promise, the cold winds wont blow. So when hard time have found you and your fears surround you, wrap my love around you. You're never alone. Never alone. Never alone. I'll be in every beat of your heart when you face the unknown. Where ever you fly, this isn't goodbye. My love will follow you, stay with you, baby you're never alone"
I thought about that. and I felt a peace and comfort. I thought about all those angels who had been there to protect me. The two girls who stayed in the store to eat so I wasn't alone with the man. The two women outside who had watched over me to protect me. My co-worker who came to my aid when I needed her. and her brother, who had come, even though he didn't need to. I am so grateful for each of them. I also believe that the safe not opening was a blessing. If the safe had opened like it was suppose to, I probably wouldn't have called my co-worker. And I probably would've left without any other protection.The Lord was watching over me. He loves me! The Savior stayed with me in an hour of fear. He watched over and protected me. I am never alone! He will never leave me alone!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's a Journey.

What is it that makes you feel free? Feel like all your cares are taken away for just a small moment? What is it that gives you that small break and for a minute everything is right in the world?
I guess you could say that I have a few of those things. A few are; running, driving with the windows down, riding a horse and my most recent one, parasailing!
At first I was terrified! I wanted to do this, had been looking forward to it actually. But I was so nervous about actually doing it. I put on a brave face because well this was very exciting!  My mom and I decided to go together and I am so grateful for that! We were able to support each other.
The beginning began with us being strapped in to our harnesses. Just to make sure that we were safe during our time in the air. Then we sat waiting; it feel like we waited for a really long time. We were anxious to get going and the time before we were able to go was a time to try and mentally prepare.
When the safety harnesses, parachute and boat were all ready we were asked if we were ready. We were ready to get going but at the same time we felt like we weren't prepared. My mom and I had both been told what to do and how to handle an emergency, but because we didn't have any experience in doing any of this we felt unprepared. Then the call came. "Take 'em up" one second were on the ground, the next we were in the air!
Shortly after becoming air born my mom and I looked at each other. This wasn't as bad as we thought. It was fun! The view was amazing, the water a clear blue, and the air had a warm breeze.
Sooner than I realized we were pretty far away from the boat, only held on by a thick rope. It was an amazing feeling; flying. At times we would hit an air pocket and we would dip unexpectedly. It scared me every time and I thought we would go down, but I knew if there was trouble I would make the sign and we would be pulled back down to safety. Even though at those times i was scared I knew it was only a short moment and that if we would continue on we would have a wonderful experience.
All too soon our ride in the air came to an end and we were slowly brought back to the boat to land safely on board. I was kinda' sad to see the ride end, but I knew I had conquered something new and learned a lesson from it; I can do hard things.
We landed safely! I was so excited that I could not contain my smile. I wanted to do it over and over again!
 As I was writing this I couldn't help but think about life. Each of us chose to come to this earth. I like to think that I was excited to come, maybe also a little nervous because of the uncertainties and hardship that I knew were ahead. But we have a wonderful Father in Heaven who has given us support as well as being a support Himself. He will never leave us without help! There is a harness in place to help us stay air born, it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The rope that connects us to the boat is prayer. We have a way of communicating to our Father in Heaven. 
There are many times when we feel discouraged and want to give up when that wind pocket catches us. But we can call upon our Lord and remember our harness that is in place to help us succeed. If we push through the hard times and look forward with faith and goodness, we may be able to finish our ride with a smile on our  face. 
We each are a son or daughter of a Heavenly Father! He loves us so very much and wants to see us succeed! lean upon others when you need to, but constantly call upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Beginning

First posting. Lets see if I can do this...

It's funny for me to think, two and a half weeks ago was my nineteenth birthday. That seems like it was a life time ago. It feel like my life, or at least my outlook on it, has changed dramatically!
So many little things have shifted in my life.
Thinking back, I remember when I left to go to school at BYU-Idaho January 2011 I had the hardest time, I thought that maybe I had made the wrong choice by choosing there to go to school. Within weeks I had forgotten all about that and realized that a change, or new start, was what I wanted, and needed. I fell in love with BYU-Idaho as a campus, as a school and all the people that came into my life. I faced so many heartbreaks, hardships and trials in the first semester at school, but the strength that I gained through those things helped me see those things that I really wanted for my life.
Second semester brought on a whole new set of challenges and blessings. My calling in the Relief Society presidency was so overwhelming at first, but I learned to love and meet so many people that have forever changed my life! I love Rexburg and everything there! The day I left was one of the hardest days of my life, and yet one of the easiest. Knowing that I would be coming back in only a matter of months and I got the chance to take all those things that I learned and put them into my life back at home.

So back to my nineteenth birthday...
It was a good day. I spent the day with one of my good friends, two of my brothers, my parents and my wonderful grandma! I was surrounded by people that I loved and I knew that life was good. However I was slipping into that, not-where-I-want-to-be-so-I-wont-try mood. I was trying to be positive! But I was struggling.
One of my strengths was named Nathan. An amazing young man who I had met through a blood drive at school back in February. We had become great friends and I knew I could turn to him when I needed a friend.
On Wednesday, September 7th, one of my good friends from home left to go to school. That was hard to see him leave and I wasn't able to go back to my home yet. But it was harder for me to say good-bye to Nathan the day before. Nathan entered the MTC on the 7th. How excited and happy I am for him!!! He is going to be an amazing missionary! but I felt like I had lost two friends in one day.
Later that day I talked to two great friends from school who made me realize how loved and not alone I am. I also received a letter from Nathan a week later. So many tender mercies from the Lord blessed me that week.
My eyes have been re-opened and my life is filled with love and happiness! I feel my Saviors love surround me daily, lifting me up and guiding me forward. This life is not easy and at times I slip and fall, but the Lord always catches me to help me continue on. I feel like the month of September hasn't just brought the Autumn weather and the return to work but also its the new beginning for me. I can prove myself and lift others just as the Lord has done for me.